Time To Find Your Place In This New World

The Pandemic has changed all the rules. A new life awaits you.

Mark Chadbourn
7 min readAug 5, 2021


Everything has changed.

First we had the Great Technological Disruption offering new opportunities for people to get out of the rat race. Now, with the pandemic, everything has really changed.

The psychic shock of the last 18 months has hit hard. People are re-thinking their lives and how they want to spend them. If you want to work from home, with all the benefits that come with it, it’s never been easier. If you want to work from home as a first step on a journey to an entirely new way of living, well, you can do that too.

Because the power has shifted into your hands.

The Great Resignation has begun. Vast swathes are quitting their jobs for work that is more fulfilling. For lives where they can breathe and be themselves. Where they can be their own boss. Follow their own hours. Do their own thing.

With all the old rules crumbling, a huge space has opened up where you can live the life you always dreamed of but never thought possible.

The big question now is: how do you make this the Summer of New Beginnings?

Working From Home is nothing new for me. I quit my day job as a journalist with the…



Mark Chadbourn

Author at Penguin Random House, screenwriter at the BBC, journalist at The Guardian, Times, Telegraph. Runs with scissors. Site: www.markchadbourn.co.uk